5 Facts About Muscle Knots In The Womb That Everyone Should Know

Although there is nothing dangerous about them, it is good to have regular gynecological examinations done to get an early diagnosis as well as an appropriate treatment of muscle lumps in the uterus.
5 facts about muscle knots in the womb that everyone should know

Muscle nodules in the uterus are  abnormal nodules of muscle tissue that occur on the surface of the uterus  and rarely on the cervix.

Their presence tends to raise alarm, but  only 0.5% develop into carcinogenic cells.

This means that even though they cause discomfort, they rarely pose a risk of cancer.

However, it is a condition that requires a lot of attention  as it can affect reproductive and hormonal health.

The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) assures us that  almost 70% of women may have this problem at some point in their lives.

Despite this, women do not inform themselves enough about this topic and tend to learn about this disease later in life.

For that reason, we would like to share 5 relevant facts that all women should know about the development of muscle knots in the womb.

Take time to get to know them!

1. What are muscle knots in the womb?

Image of muscle knots in the uterus

Muscle nodules in the uterus are benign tumors that tend to appear when one is over 20 years old.

Also known as fibroids or fibroids,  they are small, round nodules of tissue that  vary in size from microscopic to giant.

Its development is linked to genetic and hormonal factors and  unfortunately it is a cause of infertility among women.

2. What types of muscle knots in the uterus are there?

There are  four types of muscle knots in the uterus,  all depending on their location in the uterus.

Submucosal muscle knots

  • They are located just below the uterine wall,  the layer that protects the inside of the uterus.
  • They can spread to the inner opening of the uterus, and as they grow, they tend to occupy a large portion of the uterus.

Subserous muscle knots

  • This type of nodule grows just below the outer wall of the uterus,  a layer that covers the outside of the uterus.
  • Its presence causes the uterus to have nodular aspects.

Stemmed muscle knots

  • These muscle knots are a subserous type. Unlike the previously mentioned type, however, they  grow and end up detaching from the uterus  and are held by a fine string, known as the stem.
  • This type of tumor can grow into or out of the uterine cavity.

Intramural muscle knots

  • These are nodules that occur inside the muscle wall of the uterus. As they get bigger, they  can distort both the outer and inner wall of the uterus.

3. What are the symptoms of muscle knots in the womb?

Woman has abdominal pain due to muscle knots in the uterus

Although there are many cases where there are no symptoms, which also makes it difficult to detect,  over half of the people affected may experience changes that may indicate their presence.

Among the most common symptoms are:

  • Excessive and irregular menstruation.
  • Inflammation and pain in the abdomen.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Problems getting pregnant.
  • Pregnancies or high-risk births.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Changes in one’s urination.
  • Back pain.

4. How do muscle knots in the uterus affect fertility?

One of the biggest concerns of women who have been diagnosed with this condition is the consequences that lead to an affected fertility.

When the tumors reach a certain size,  it is possible that fertility may have been affected or pregnancy may have been made more difficult.

The risk of becoming infertile varies for each case, almost always depending on the number of muscle knots, their size and the location in the uterus.

Muscle nodules grow in size with high levels of estrogen. Since progesterone is found in large amounts during a pregnancy, it is possible to treat one’s infertility during this period.

However, it should be borne in mind that  its presence increases the risk of miscarriage within the first trimester of pregnancy. And it can cause premature birth as you get closer to the end of your pregnancy.

Until now, binocular surgery is one of the best options for people of reproductive age whose pregnancy is a close wish.

5. What are the treatments available for muscle knots in the womb?

Gynecologist examines for muscle knots in the abdomen

Many women who have been diagnosed with this condition believe that the only way to combat muscle knots is with surgery.

However, it is important for you to know that  surgery is not the only solution. Moreover, when muscle knots are very small, it is not necessary at all.

Generally,  small nodules are treated with a pharmacological treatment  prescribed by the doctor.

If they do not respond to the medication and grow in size, there is no choice but to remove them.

In that case, a binocular operation is performed, which  focuses on the removal of muscle knots without affecting the uterus. If there are complications, a hysterectomy is performed, which removes the uterus partially or completely.

Many specialists recommend a treatment with ulipristal acetate. It is a progesterone modulator that reduces the presence of these nodules in the uterus.

In conclusion, you should be aware of the symptoms and know that regular gynecological examinations are important  to get an early diagnosis of this disease.

Although it is mostly not serious, it is always good to go to the doctor to be examined carefully.

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