5 Inspirational Quotes For When Life Is Not Going Well
Did you know that you can improve your life if you start helping others instead of thinking so much about yourself? What you give, you get back. Learn this and other inspirational quotes for the days when life just doesn’t go your way. Today we bring you all 5 inspirational quotes!
5 inspirational quotes
We all like quotes that seem like they were made to inspire us when we feel like life is not going well. Some of us “collect” them because we know, sooner or later, we will need them.
In that regard, we have compiled a few quotes and beautiful phrases for you. We know that at some point, we will all feel that life is not going well. But we also know that this is only temporary.
But knowing this is not always enough to make us smile when we need it most.
Read these beautiful quotes and take them with you. We know they will help you bring some positive energy to your day.
1. “Please whenever possible. It is always possible. ”- Dalai Lama
How many times have you felt as if life was not going well and you let it go beyond the people who crossed your path? This has definitely made things worse.
And of course, how could it not? Remember that you attract what you think.
If you now broke up with your partner and your job went downhill, give yourself the chance to find a moment to be kind to others. It’s not just for them, but for you.
We humans react to how people make us feel.
This means that if you are kind to others, they will be more willing to lend you a hand.
“You will get everything you want in life if you help other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
Many of us have learned the idea that you have to work to achieve your goals without worrying about others.
But it is clear that when you help others, you will also be helped.
If you feel like your life is not going well, stop for a minute and analyze whether you are helping others and how. Maybe the reason it does not go well is that because you try to take advantage of others, and get the opposite result.
Helping others is sometimes as simple as asking them what they need or what you can do for them.
Maybe the financial problems that keep you from paying your rent will be solved. If you are helping a friend with something that is easy for you and he is willing to pay you.
Sometimes you will not get a direct benefit, but think about it: if you help someone today, these people will be so grateful that they will want to help you achieve your goals.
In the end, it’s like a snowball effect and everyone benefits from it.
3. “Failure is an event, not a person.” – Zig Ziglar
If you feel like life is not going well because you had a setback somehow and you call yourself a “failure,” then stop now.
It is true that mistakes hurt and no one likes them. But failures are a part of life and must be accepted as a reality.
What you must never do is let it define you. If you have failed today, stop and analyze your decisions and how they got you this result. Then learn from it and try again, knowing what is not working.
4. “Everyone should choose one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” – Jim Rohn
Why do you feel like life is not going well? Do you feel like you put in too much work and can’t see any results? Do you realize that you have not done what you should and now the results are clearly not as you hoped?
Jim Rohn talks about this, and makes it clear that you either work for what you want until it hurts or stay in your comfort zone and then suffer the consequences.
Maybe what feels like a weight on your shoulders will give you a hint as to which path to take next.
Take a few days off and think about your life. What have you done to get yourself to where you are right now? Is this where you wanted to be? Has it been worth it? Do you want to change it?
You need to understand that any decision you make will hurt in one way or another because it involves some form of sacrifice. This is why you need to be aware of what your goals are and work towards them.
5. “You can not save people, you can only love them.” – Anaïs Nin
How many times have you felt as if your life was not going well because you were trying to pressure someone to become a better person? It has happened to all of us at least once, and often to some people.
It is possible you are a person who can not stand to see people suffer and you have so much love to give that you take their problems on you as if they were your own.
No doubt this makes you a great person, but it can also inflict a lot of damage if you do not learn that you can not control other people.
You should never take on the problems of others as if they were your own. They will only change if they want to, not because you hope they will.
If you want to help, stay by their side and support them if they ask for it. However, do not try to control them because it will not work.
The important thing is that if at some point you feel like you can do no more, let go. It is healthy to be a little selfish when your respect and love are compromised.