5 Risk Factors For Depression

Depression is not just caused by traumatic events. Here are some daily habits you may not be familiar with that can affect the development of depression.
5 risk factors for depression

Do you know the different risk factors for depression?

Depression is classified as a mood disorder. People who are depressed have  deep feelings of sadness, in addition to being irritable, losing interest in life and experiencing changes in behavior.

This condition may have a biological basis or be based on circumstances. Experts say that depression is often caused by changes in brain chemistry, whether it is due to hormonal imbalances, environmental factors or the effects of certain events or situations.

However, depression can also come from certain bad habits.

Risk factors for depression

It is important to keep in mind that  not all periods of violent grief are depression. A person can go through sad and traumatic events without experiencing symptoms that are violent enough to be diagnosed as depression.

Medical professionals identify this condition as a serious medical condition, as it can have fatal consequences if not treated properly.

A person with depression experiences that the quality of life is drastically lowered and they may reach a point where they feel unable to carry out their daily activities.

Depression is a very complex disorder. For this reason , there is not a single cause that explains the development of this disorder. In fact, researchers have identified dozens of factors that can lead to depression.

The most disturbing thing is that  we tend to overlook many of these things since they are a part of our lifestyle.

Find out what these risk factors are in this article.

A poor diet can lead to depression

Sad woman refuses to eat salad and drink water

Poor nutrition is very closely related to mental health issues, including depression. It is easy to ignore the need to eat properly, but  a poor diet can cause changes in the nervous system and brain chemistry.

For example, frequent consumption of fatty foods is associated with a greater risk of depression and stress. Although fatty foods can give you temporary pleasure, it can also lead to depression due to changes in hormonal activity.

Therefore, try to eat a healthy diet rich in sources of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Not getting enough sleep is one of the major risk factors for depression

If you want to have a good quality of life, you ideally need to  sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day without distractions.

During this period, the body performs a number of processes that it cannot perform at other times of the day. Therefore, if you experience disturbances in your sleep or have trouble falling asleep, you may experience several negative effects.

It is important to note that  insomnia and other sleep disorders are closely linked to depression. Some studies suggest that people who do not sleep properly are up to 20 times more likely to experience depression compared to those who sleep properly.

Using social networks too much can lead to depression

Finger clicks on social media

In recent years, several studies have been conducted regarding the use of social networks and disorders associated with mental health.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology  concluded that the  use of social networks may play a role in negative emotions, such as depression and a feeling of loneliness. Factors such as constant social comparison or bullying can explain these negative effects.

Although using social networks in moderation does not usually have a large impact, it can be negative to be on these platforms for extended periods of time. The general recommendation is therefore to  set limits or reduce its consumption.

Drinking too much alcohol is also one of the most common risk factors for depression

Overconsumption of alcoholic beverages can cause  changes in brain activity,  causing or exacerbating episodes of depression.

Alcoholics are usually unable to perform their work and family obligations, which contributes to the negative effects. The most disturbing thing is that  when someone suffers from both alcoholism and depression, it  becomes even harder to stop the addiction.

Those who suffer from depression and alcohol dependence therefore require constant support from professionals and family. The person should also take part in various forms of therapy.

5. A toxic work environment can lead to depression

Stressed woman experiences that overtime is one of the most important risk factors for depression

Many patients who suffer from stress, anxiety and depression also suffer from a tense or toxic work environment.

What does it mean?

This can involve everything from harassment, overburdened employees, poor pay and unhealthy relationships between employees and managers. All of these factors can lead to depression as they  contribute to psychological disorders. Excessive stress increases the production of cortisol and other hormones.

You can help avoid this by trying some simple strategies.

For example, take breaks to rest, avoid overwork, and enhance your workplace with soothing music and aromatherapy.

Take good care of your health

Can you relate to any of these five risk factors for depression?

If the answer is yes, then  start doing some things to try to change your lifestyle so you can avoid the negative consequences.

Do not forget that  depression is a serious disorder that requires professional treatment. If you experience symptoms of depression, seek professional help immediately.

Remember that  depression can be treated, but it can not always be prevented. In either case, you should try to keep these risk factors for depression in mind so that you can reduce your risk.

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