5 Signs That You Are A Toxic Person

If one does not want to be a toxic person towards others, then why is one so towards oneself? One should be the first person to take care of one’s own well-being.
5 signs that you are a toxic person

We have written a lot about the toxic person that can be in our lives. But what if the toxic person is oneself? Here you get 5 signs that you are a toxic person!

A toxic person is someone who poisons himself by being to blame for his own pain.

It is always easier to see the faults of another person, but maybe your relationship or other people cause a pain because you let it happen.

Perhaps one’s actions and the decisions one makes are more negative than one thinks. That is why today we want to write about five signs that one might be becoming a toxic person.

1. To be with a person who hurts one

Why stay with someone who causes so much pain? If you let it go on, it’s not the other person’s fault – it’s your own!

It may not be the intention to live together. Or maybe you do not fit together because you do not share the same views of the world or the same values. Despite their contempt, you let them stay by your side.

Woman with bird opening dress

When you behave in this way, you are a toxic person. Maybe not towards others, but definitely towards oneself.

One does not take care of oneself or protect oneself from the poison that has permeated one’s relationship. More devastating than that, defending the person standing next to you, as you well know, hurts you.

2. Blame himself for his mistakes

No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. This is why it is important to start seeing them as opportunities to learn and then move on.

If you are not able to do that, and you constantly blame yourself for the mistakes of your past, then you hurt yourself and make it impossible to move on.

Obviously, one has become too perfectionist. And you demand too much of yourself.

One has become so strict with oneself that any mistake, even a small one, will be something very serious for one.

One must learn to accept one’s mistakes and not to blame oneself for them. It is something positive to make mistakes, so one should not give his mistakes a toxic force.

3. Suppress their emotions

Thanks to the course of life, you may have gone through some complicated situations where you have been exposed to a lot of pain. This may have caused one to hold back his emotions to protect himself.

What you do not know is that this is much more toxic than you think. If one ignores one’s emotions, suppresses and seals them, then more negative emotions will emerge.

Girl crying

One will have to learn to express them without fear. Because in this life you have to take risks. Emotions are like desires and lusts – they exist to be lived out.

If you suppress your emotions, they will sooner or later eat you up. One will become a sad person who is unable to love or be loved. You do not deserve that. One should express what one feels.

4. To be pessimistic

Life is not always easy. But adopting a pessimistic attitude is one of the worst things one can do. This will be reflected in one’s personality and one will pass that feeling on to others.

No matter how difficult one’s life is right now, a pessimistic attitude will not make it better; in fact, one will almost no doubt make it worse.

Pessimists are among the most toxic people out there. Do you really want to be one of them?

Let optimism be your best friend and avoid poisoning yourself.

5. Always let others come first

Thinking of oneself does not mean that one is a selfish person. Rather, it means loving oneself and protecting oneself in this way.

We are used to being told that we should always care about the well-being of others, but what about ourselves?

When you change your attitude, you may seem like a selfish person in the eyes of others, and you may even feel like one.

But what you do not know is that you become a less toxic person.

Girl who's sorry

One day you might even become a toxic person without knowing it. One does not realize that toxic persons affect not only those around them but also oneself.

One should learn to check oneself and not be afraid to discover new things around oneself that one may not want to like. We all make mistakes, but it is in our hands to correct them.

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