7 Things To Expect From Your First Mammogram
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world and the most common among women. Here are 7 things you can expect from your first mammogram!
If breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, there is a high probability that it can be treated.
The primary way to detect this type of cancer is through annual mammograms and examinations performed by a specialist.
However , mammography is not recommended for women under 45 years of age. This is due to their dense breast tissue, which makes it difficult to interpret the results of the mammogram and thus detect problems.
In addition, women under the age of 45 are less likely to develop breast cancer.
Nevertheless, many women experience their first mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40. If you expect to get a mammogram soon, then there are seven facts related to this procedure.
1. You will feel a light touch
During a mammogram, it is necessary for the doctor to easily compress the breasts. This is to obtain a high quality mammogram and expose the patient to as little radiation as possible.
Unfortunately, this compression can cause pain for some women. Other women, however, experience only slight discomfort.
It is quite common for women to experience a range of sensations as all women have different pain thresholds.
Nevertheless, if you feel pain during a mammogram, keep in mind that it will only last for a few minutes.
2. Avoid planning your first mammogram the day before your menstrual period
Mammography should ideally be performed in the second or third week of your menstrual cycle. This is because there is less glandular breast tissue, allowing the examination to be more detailed and less uncomfortable.
In addition, your breasts tend to be more sensitive during menstruation or in the weeks after your period due to a change in hormone levels. This can cause pain during the examination and make the mammogram more uncomfortable.
Tell your doctor if you have silicone implants
Silicone prostheses can interfere with the visualization of the breasts on the x-rays. Therefore, it is extremely important that you tell the radiologist who will perform your examination if you have breast implants.
This will allow the doctor to adjust the amount of radiation they will use so that the mammary glands become clearer on the x-ray. You will also find that the position you have to stand in relation to the machine will be different depending on the size of your implants.
4. Put on two separate clothes
Usually you have to take off the clothes that cover the upper part of your body and wear a hospital gown that the radiologist will give you.
Therefore, it is better to avoid wearing clothes such as. dresses or other types of clothing that are difficult to take off.
Ideally, you should wear a shirt with buttons on the day of the survey as it will be easy to take off and put on again. Not only will applying appropriate clothing cause less hassle, but it will also save you time.
So put on something practical.
5. Avoid using certain cosmetic items on the armpits
Do not put any cosmetic product on your breasts or armpits on the day of the examination.
This is because the use of these products may generate images on the x-rays that may confuse your doctor. This can lead to a false diagnosis.
Most importantly, we should pay special attention to products that leave residue on the skin. Examples of products are lotions, deodorants and powders.
To avoid confusion, ask your doctor if the deodorant you normally use will cause a problem.
If you want your mammogram done in the evening, you can wash your armpits before the examination to avoid complications. You can apply your deodorant after the mammogram is completed.
6. Put yourself in a comfortable position
At the beginning of your examination, have the radiologist position you correctly. If the position she places you in is uncomfortable, do not hesitate to tell them this.
The location of your breasts in the machine is extremely important for them to be examined completely. For this to happen, you need to relax.
In fact, specialists say that any change in the position of the breast during the examination can interfere with the results. Therefore, you should communicate with the radiologist as this will allow you to find the best position for your first mammogram.
In addition , you should alert your radiologist to any physical limitations that you may have, such as muscle stiffness, difficulty raising your arms, etc.
If it is impossible to place yourself in any of the right positions to perform the examination, which rarely happens, then there are alternative ways to examine your breasts. An example is using an ultrasound.
Only the specialist can explain your mammography results
It is important that you know that the radiologist is the professional who will conduct your examination. But they do not have the necessary knowledge to interpret the results.
That said, the radiologist can tell you about the most important factors that were discovered during your mammogram using specific terms for each type of lesion.
Nevertheless, only your doctor can explain the results to you in more detail. It is important that you do not let a strange expression that you see scare you or make you worry.
Give your doctor time to see the results and then explain them to you.
Be calm during your first mammogram
It is normal to be nervous before your first mammogram because you do not know what to expect.
But if you want to be completely healthy, then mammograms are inevitable. So it is important to prepare for this type of study as you approach the age of 40 or earlier if you are at high risk of developing breast cancer.
Finally, you should examine the things you can expect from this study and let go of your worries. You should also talk to your doctor about when is the best time for you to perform this procedure, as this may vary from person to person.