8 Good Reasons To Eat More Eggs

Eggs are far from bad for your health, and increase the amount of your cholesterol and can even prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
8 good reasons to eat more eggs

 An incredible way to start your day is by eating an egg for your breakfast. They are a great source of protein and nutrients, yet some people try to avoid them because they believe that eating more eggs will raise their  cholesterol levels  and adversely affect their health in the long run.

This is not trueEggs are considered superfoods and are an important part of the modern food pyramid. They have many benefits, so it is a good idea to eat them, but only in moderation.

Today we would like to teach you more about eggs and all they can do for your health.

Eat more eggs!

Eggs are not bad for you

It is true that eggs do contain cholesterol, but they do not pose a risk to your health. Just remember that your own body, especially your liver,  produces cholesterol as a necessary product that serves various functions.

The important thing is that you maintain balanced cholesterol levels within the limits of what is normal. The amount of cholesterol in eggs does not pose a risk to healthy people because it does not increase the amount of so-called bad cholesterol or LDL. 

In addition, eggs do not contain saturated fat, which is a very high risk to your health.

Eggs contain good cholesterol

Doctor holding heart shape

If you can eat more eggs regularly, you get HDL lipoprotein, which we know as the “good cholesterol.”

Thanks to HDL cholesterol, you will be better protected against cardiovascular problems and promote better brain health.

Eggs provide an important nutrient: Choline

Have you ever heard of choline? It is perfectly normal if you do not have, but it is actually an important nutrient for your health and well-being.

Choline is a member of the B vitamin complex and  helps build cell membranes and other important molecules for brain function.  

According to a clinical study from the United States, almost 90% of the population lacks this nutrient. This could be easily solved by eating more eggs and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

4. Eggs are a nutritious food

As we said earlier, a great way to start the day is by eating an egg or cooking a delicious omelet for breakfast.

Thanks to this healthy choice, you get all this:

  • Vitamin A: 6% of ADT (recommended daily intake).
  • Folate: 5% of ADT.
  • Vitamin B5 7% RDA.
  • B12 9% RDA.
  • Vitamin B2 15% of ADT.
  • Phosphorus 9% RDA.
  • Selenium 22% RDA.
  • 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats

5. Eggs help with your vision


As you get older, the quality of your vision decreases. This breakdown process can be slowed down if you add certain vitamins to your diet, including two found in eggs : lutein and zeaxanthin.

These two powerful antioxidants affect the retinas of the eyes and can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. It is a good idea to eat several eggs, five or six a week, to protect yourself from these diseases.

6. The best eggs are organic: they have previous triglycerides!

This is something everyone should know:  It is always a better idea to buy organic eggs, respecting the life cycle of the hen itself and without hormones.

But… did you know what the health benefits of exercise from natural free range chickens are?

  • It has higher content of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • These can reduce your triglyceride intake.
  • Your heart will be healthier.

7. Eggs improve your brain

Although it’s real eggs used to have a bad reputation, today we have dispelled a lot of these myths.

  • Eggs do not increase your cholesterol, they do not pose a risk to your heart’s health and they also help prevent dementia.
  • In a large study that ran over 10 years with almost 300,000 participants,  those who ate 6 eggs a week did not suffer from any brain problems
  • However, in the case of patients with diabetes, the study found that it is best to limit your consumption of eggs to two to three a week.

8. Eggs satiate you and promote weight loss


It is important to remember that eating more eggs alone will not help you lose weight. What it will do, however, is make you feel full so you avoid eating snacks between meals.

  • Eggs are rich in protein and macronutrients. This is why an ideal breakfast includes an omelette with spinach, some apple and a cup of white tea. It will carry you all the way to lunch without you getting hungry.
  • Eggs are one of the most filling foods in the world and they will help you consume fewer calories during the day.

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