The 5 Best Fat Burning Aerobic Exercises You Can Do At Home

Who needs a gym when you can get all the workout you need right in your own home or in your favorite park? Learn about 5 amazing fat burning aerobic exercises you can do at home or outdoors.
The 5 best fat burning aerobic exercises you can do at home

When it comes to burning fat, aerobic exercise is one of the best habits. Read more below!

Fat burning aerobic exercises

Regular cardio contributes to better metabolic activity, improving your body’s ability to convert fat into energy. Along the way , it works to promote the elimination of toxins and retained fluid, which is part of the problem you have with losing weight, even if you did not know it.

Best of all, you do not have to go to the gym to incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily routine. And fortunately, many activities can be performed either outside or in your own home.

While you get the fastest results by combining it with strength training, it is worth spending a few minutes a day to start losing the pounds that affect your health and your shape.

Here we would like to share 5 amazing aerobic exercises to stay in great shape.

1. Walking tours


Walking is one of the easiest aerobic exercises to do, and does even more for you than helping you lose weight.

When you make it a part of your daily routine, all blood circulation problems, fluid retention and muscle stiffness will decrease.

It is also one of the most recommended activities for people with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

How do I do it?

  • Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes, and go for a 30-minute quick walk.

2. Zumba

Zumba is a fun way to do aerobic exercise as it consists of movements performed to the rhythm of Latin music.

You will train your whole body at Zumba and fight any accumulation of fat you may have in the hip or abdominal areas.

A 60 minute session can burn up to 1500 calories depending on the intensity.

How do I do it?

  • Look for a Zumba class in your city, or find an open space in your home to do so using an online video or tape.
  • Choose your favorite Latin music and practice while dancing.

3. Step aerobics

Step aerobics

Step aerobics is one of the few aerobic exercises that not only burns fat but also helps build muscle mass. It has been part of exercise routines since 1990.

The activity consists of stepping up on a small platform, bench or step, and then back down to the rhythm of various choreographed sequences.

When you step, you gain physical strength, balance and the ability to concentrate.

How do I do it?

  • With your back straight and your shoulders back and relaxed, step up in the middle of the platform.
  • Step with your whole foot, and when stepping down, be sure to put your heel properly on the ground before your next step.
  • Avoid abrupt jumps from the platform to the ground. You can injure your knees.
  • Alternating from each leg, do 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

4. Cycling

Cycling is a dual aerobic activity:

  • First, you activate your metabolism and burn fat.
  • Secondly, it is a great way to strengthen your leg muscles and buttocks.

Cycling regularly fights stress, joint pain and even blood circulation problems.

How do I do it?

  • Put on comfortable clothes, take your bike forward and perform a 30-40 minute ride in the fresh air.
  • If you have a stationary bike, then bike at home for 20 to 30 minutes.

5. Skipping rope


Skipping rope is a fun activity that brings the memory back to playing as a child. It is an exercise that contributes to fat burning while increasing muscle mass.

When you jump in skipping rope, you improve the metabolic processes and strengthen your bones and joints as you walk.

It is even good for cognitive health as it requires focus and coordination.

How do I do it?

  • Keep your head straight and look straight ahead.
  • Your torso should remain straight and your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and move the rope with your wrists.
  • Jump up and land on your soles.
  • Make 50 to 100 jumps at a time.

As you can see, incorporating aerobic exercise into your daily life can be fun and easy. Choose the one that works best for you and start doing it daily to fight excess fat.

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