How To Remove Orange Peel

Before applying the treatment against orange peel, it is important to exfoliate the area first by using a light massage to loosen the toxins and fat that have settled in the area.
How to remove orange peel

You should not just live with orange peel, because you can easily get rid of it. Even without spending absurd amounts of money on expensive products that promise everything. No, it is completely unnecessary because  there are plenty of natural treatments for orange peel that will help reduce it. How to remove orange peel, read more and learn below.

In today’s article, we will tell you everything you need to know to be able to do some effective, homemade treatments for orange peel, or cellulite, as it is also often called. However, one should always keep in mind the first step, which is absolutely essential. If these natural treatments are to be proper, it is very important to thoroughly exfoliate the skin before applying them.

Frequent exfoliation in the areas where you have orange peel helps to loosen the fat that has accumulated under the skin and also releases the toxins that may be in the area. This helps the toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream so that the body is able to remove them.

The first step is therefore extremely important:  Any homemade treatment for orange peel should always start with an exfoliating massage.

How to remove orange peel

First step: Exfoliation

Scrub sponge

It’s very simple. All you need is a little olive oil or sunflower oil to rub on the areas that have orange peel. Let the oil sit on the area for 15 minutes and then take a shower with the hottest water possible (unless you have varicose veins or varicose veins, then the water should only be lukewarm). Scrub the area well with a mild soap and a sponge or scrub glove.

The exfoliating massage removes dead skin cells and opens the pores. This helps the treatment against orange peel to better penetrate into the different layers of the skin. Remember that it is important to always moisturize the skin after an exfoliation. Regenerative oils such as olive oil or rosehip oil are ideal for this purpose.

How to remove orange peel, tip # 1: Lemon and olive oil

Lemon and olive oil

Peel a squash, grate it and put it in a glass container and cover with olive oil. Put the lid on the container and leave it in a cool, dark place for a week. Make sure the container you use has been sterilized first to prevent the oil from becoming contaminated with traces of other substances.

After a week, the container can be opened, the oil squeezed out and a little more ordinary olive oil can be added to dilute the mixture.

Keep in mind that lemon should always be diluted as it is very corrosive due to its astringent properties and therefore can cause a skin irritation. You should also only use this mixture in the evening, as citrus oils are photosensitive and can cause the skin to burn more if exposed to direct sunlight.

How to remove orange peel, tip # 2: Avocado cheese


The second option that one can use is to make an oil for this treatment by using an avocado cheese. Cut four large avocado cheeses into small pieces.  The smaller the better. Remember that avocado cheeses are very hard and one should cut them very finely to avoid ruining one’s food processor. If you do not have a food processor, you can use a grater.

Now put the chopped or crushed stones in a glass container and add some olive, almond or sunflower oil  – depending on what you prefer or just have in the house. Put the lid on the glass container and let the mixture stand for three days in a dark, cold place. After the three days have passed, you can put the mixture in the fridge to prevent it from molding.

Last step

The last step is to apply one of these treatments to the areas of the skin where you have orange peel for a few minutes and to  repeat the treatment regularly. At least once a week.

Now that you know how to do these simple treatments for orange peel, you have a valuable weapon that can help you really improve the appearance of your body. As you can see, you can easily fight orange peel.

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