Be Aware Of These 10 Toxins That Harm Children
Toxins are found almost everywhere on our planet and many of them are particularly harmful to children, pollution, pesticides, cleaning products, certain foods, medicines and even some vaccines expose children to toxic chemicals that in the long run can affect health in various ways . In this article, we will share 10 of the worst toxins that harm children.
How to protect against toxins that harm children
Today, it is almost impossible to prevent toxins from entering our body and causing various health problems. Pollution, poor diet, and certain bad habits can cause an accumulation of toxins that can affect various organs in the body. Toxins that harm children are found in the environment and of some foods we allow them to eat. But by being aware of the sources of toxins that harm children, we can take various precautions to reduce the effects that these can have on our children.
Problems with exposure to toxins that harm children increase year after year. Although medical science is still advancing and they continue to find solutions to health problems that they cause, there are more and more cases of children and people becoming ill as a consequence of exposure to toxins.
Although many people still ignore it, toxins can cause everything from simple allergies to various kinds of cancer in children. Various studies have shown that children may experience one or more learning problems, developmental issues or behavioral problems. They have also found cases of autism, weakened immune system and other chronic diseases.
Do you know the most important toxins that harm children?
Mercury fillings
The mercury in these fillings can slowly penetrate a child’s body every day and cause neurological damage.
Certain pharmaceutical drugs
Although we do not have much information about this, children are sometimes prescribed medication that is very toxic and dangerous. Among these medications are those for ADHD, which belong to a type of medication called amphetamine. These are very similar to the famous street drug known as methamphetamine. There are more and more cases of children being prescribed antidepressants which are very dangerous.
MSG monosodium glutamate
This toxin is found everywhere, especially in foods and personal care products.
Some vaccines
Some vaccines are not as safe as we have been led to believe for decades. It is worthwhile to research a little about the ingredients that these vaccines may contain and to find out the side effects that they may have on health. However, in the vast majority of cases, they are necessary for the health of us all.
Processed foods and fast food
These are the kids’ favorites. We always buy this kind of ” food ” to make them happy. Although their taste and smell are very delicious, the truth is that they have proven that they are full of chemical products that increase the risk of cancer. These foods cause obesity and other diseases that in the long run can lower their quality of life.
Laundry products
They are very useful for washing clothes, but they also have large amounts of toxic ingredients that can affect our and our children’s health.
Shampoo and other personal care products
You may have never asked about the strange ingredients they put on shampoo labels and other personal care products. It is possible that if you become curious and research it, you will discover how toxic they can be to your body. It is best to use them as little as possible and choose natural options.
Household and cleaning products
Glass cleaners, oven cleaners, cleaning agents or soaps, among other cleaning agents, have chemical constituents which, although they may seem harmless, are really dangerous. Inhalation or ingestion of these products can seriously affect your health or result in something fatal. Be very careful when leaving them around where your children are playing.
Environmental pollution
It is virtually impossible not to be exposed to high levels of environmental pollution in today’s world. Flue gases from vehicles, companies, cigarettes and other toxic substances in the environment can affect your children every day, and of course us too.
Carbonated beverages and sodas
Kids really like their tastes and use them to quench their thirst. But the truth is that these drinks contain large amounts of phosphoric acid, which affects children’s teeth and bones.