Benefits Of Castor Oil

Castor oil is an excellent moisturizer and has properties that can help treat a variety of ailments, from eczema and peeling skin to dandruff and insect bites.
Benefits of castor oil

Castor oil is known for its natural laxative effect, but it also has some other interesting properties that are worth looking into. Although medical authorities state that it can be toxic in very large quantities, it has a long history in traditional medicine. In this article you can learn more about the  benefits of castor oil.

A wide range of ailments can be treated and cured due to the benefits of castor oil, the most popular use being as a laxative to relieve constipation. Castor oil also reduces soreness and pain, stimulates the immune system, treats wounds on the skin, and acts as a powerful antibiotic, fungicide and is antiviral.

The oil comes from the seeds, also referred to as beans, by the plant and is composed of fatty acids (90% of which are ricinoleic acid). The oil is considered to be responsible for the plant’s unique healing properties. The Ricinus plant is native to India and is known as the “Palm of Christ” as the leaves resemble the hands of Christ. Perhaps that is why the plant is attributed so many healing properties.


The ricinus plant has been adopted by many cultures, such as Egypt, China, Persia, Rome, Greece, Africa, Europe and America. It is now widely used in industry, mostly for textiles, but also in Russia to lubricate machinery in the cold climate, as it has a constant viscosity and does not freeze. Other non-medicinal uses due to the benefits of castor oil include: Aromas or additives in foods, as an ingredient in skin care and cosmetic products, rubber production, fibers, varnishes, dyes, leather treatments etc.

It is important to remember that portions of the beans are deadly if eaten or eaten in any way. The beans are not ready to be eaten until they have undergone a special process where the oil is extracted. Don’t worry, castor oil is safe to use as the toxins are only present in the raw beans.

Side effects include: Skin reactions and intestinal disorders that cause irritation of the intestinal walls. It is not recommended for people suffering from cramps, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, prolapse or for those who have recently undergone surgery.

Castor oil

Benefits of castor oil

Some properties of castor oil:

  • Relieves colitis: To relieve the discomfort of this intestinal imbalance, make a compress and apply it on the stomach. It’s quite simple, you just need to moisten a cloth with oil and let it work for an hour or two. Repeat up to twice a day.
  • Removes hard skin on the feet:  Castor oil helps to remove the accumulation of dead skin on the feet. Dampen a cloth with a little oil and apply directly to the affected area. Bandage with gauze and cover with a sock to hold it in place. Let the gauze sit overnight and file, the now much softer, hard skin away the following morning.
  • Removes birthmarks:  This is a very popular home remedy. Prepare a mixture of baking powder and castor oil. Apply to the birthmark and cover with a bandage. Let it sit overnight and wash with warm water in the morning. Repeat daily until the birthmark falls off.

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  • Relieves arthritis:  If your joints ache due to arthritis, castor oil can help. Add three tablespoons of castor oil to a pan and heat it for three minutes. Dampen a cloth or cotton swab, and lubricate the areas where it hurts. Cover with a dry cloth and use a heating pad to keep the area warm. Let it sit for half an hour or less (maximum for an hour). Do not use if the area is inflamed.
  • Extends eyelashes: This is one of the many cosmetic uses that castor oil can be used for. It helps to make the lashes appear fuller and longer. It can also be applied on the eyebrows. Apply using a mascara brush. Repeat every night before bedtime, do not clean.
  • Skin Care:  Because it moisturizes so well, castor oil is a component of many cosmetic products and creams. It acts as an emollient that smoothes and protects the skin in lotions, pomades, soaps, etc. It treats dry skin, eczema, peeling, herpes, stomach ulcers, burns and sores on the skin. It can be made into a shampoo that will leave the hair softer, healthier and with more shine. It is also used to treat barley grains, dandruff and insect bites – especially from mosquitoes. In addition, it is great for combating aging skin.
  • Strengthens nails:  If you have brittle nails, apply castor oil with a cotton swab to each nail. It is a good source of vitamin E that will keep your nails beautiful.
  • Massage of the body:  It can be used as a body oil for anti-inflammatory massage that relieves soreness and pain in muscles and joints. It is very popular in aromatherapy.

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