Deep Vein Thrombosis: How To Detect And Prevent It

Deep vein thrombosis can be the result of any phenomenon that prevents blood from coagulating or circulating properly.
Deep vein thrombosis: How to detect and prevent it

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or deep phlebotrombosis occurs when a blood clot, called a thrombosis, forms in one or more deep veins in the body. They usually affect the legs, although they can occur in other areas of the body.

This condition can occur if you have certain blood conditions that affect the way it coagulates. You can also develop it if you do not move for long periods of time. For example, it is sometimes seen after an operation or an accident.

Deep vein thrombosis is a serious disorder. The blood clots that form in the veins can move through the bloodstream and reach the lungs. Once there, they can interrupt blood flow. Similarly, blood clots can migrate to your heart. It can even cause a heart attack.

What triggers deep vein thrombosis?

Diagram shows deep vein thrombosis

When someone has deep vein thrombosis, the veins furthest from the heart (in the legs) have difficulty moving the blood. Therefore, it accumulates there and produces edema and swelling.

The blood that goes from the heart to the feet circulates through the arteries. Then it returns to the heart. From there, it moves to the lungs to oxygenate.

When blood coagulates inside a vein, it cannot return to the heart. This is where it accumulates in the legs, causing it to swell and causing pain. Then the blood coagulates and prevents normal circulation.

Blood clots from deep vein thrombosis can occur as a result of any condition that prevents the blood from circulating properly or that promotes coagulation. For example, they may occur after surgery or as a side effect of certain medications and restricted movement.

In any case, certain risk factors make someone more susceptible to this condition. Among them we can find:

  • Genetics : Some people inherit a disorder that leads to circulatory problems.
  • Prolonged rest : This may be, for example, hospitalization.
  • Injuries or surgeries as we mentioned above.
  • Pregnancy, overweight or obesity.
  • Smoking among other things.

How is deep vein thrombosis detected?

Laboratory assistant handles blood samples with deep vein thrombosis

First, it is important to say that there are other conditions with similar symptoms. For example, pulmonary embolism, muscle damage, cellulite and inflammation of the veins just below the skin. Therefore , it is important to do special tests that can locate the blood clots and distinguish this disease from the others.

These are the different tests.

Duplex Ultrasound

This is a test that uses sound waves to take pictures that show blood flowing through the veins. It can detect blockages or blood clots in deeper veins. Thus, it is the most common test to diagnose deep vein thrombosis.

D-Dimer test

This test consists of a blood test that measures a substance that is released into the blood when a blood clot breaks down. A negative result means that it is a person who probably does not have this disease, and vice versa.


This is the most accurate test for diagnosing blood clots. However, it is an invasive procedure, which means that doctors use various instruments to manipulate the body. It is a special type of X-ray in which the doctor injects contrasting dye into a large vein in the foot or ankle. This way they can see the deep veins.

MRI and CT scan

Two tests that provide images and help physicians diagnose and treat various conditions. The pictures show veins and any blood clots that may be. However, these are not used very often to diagnose this disease. However, it is a resource that is good to have available.

Prevention of deep vein thrombosis

Smoking is a risk factor

Prevention of DVT is based on improving blood flow to the heart. It is important to consult your doctor as they may recommend an exercise routine.

It is also recommended to have the legs raised regularly, to facilitate circulation. It will e.g. be raising the lower part of one’s mattress. It can help people with deep vein thrombosis sleep better.

If you are a smoker, try to stop. Tobacco is a risk factor for several heart diseases. Doctors also recommend that you exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. It can also be helpful to eat foods that prevent coagulation.

If necessary, your doctor may prescribe anticoagulant medication to prevent this type of problem.

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