Four Medicinal Plants That Can Relieve Indigestion Naturally

Most people have tried to find natural remedies for constipation at some point. In this article, we will review which medicinal plants are best.
Four medicinal plants that can relieve indigestion naturally

You have probably tried to relieve indigestion with natural remedies before. It could be either because you have overeat, because some foods have made you sick, or because you have a weakened digestive system.

In this article, we share the best medicinal plants to relieve indigestion naturally as well as some simple and effective tips. This way you will be able to alleviate digestive problems with plant infusions or extracts.

This is how you can relieve indigestion naturally

1. Ginger

First, ginger is a medicinal food that you should consume daily because of its many healthy properties. Although it is a good diuretic and cleansing agent, we will focus here on its ability to relieve indigestion.

Intake of ginger, both fresh or dry, is effective in reducing discomfort such as abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, and it can be a good solution in case of stomach ulcers. You can consume it as a tea or juice or even add it to foods to improve the digestion and taste of certain recipes.

2. Green tea

Green tea to relieve indigestion

This is an ancient medicinal plant that is very popular all over the world today. Green tea is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drink thanks to its catechin content.

Green tea is a medicinal plant that promotes good digestion as it fights air in the stomach and relieves the heavy feeling after eating. In addition, regular intake also helps prevent dental problems and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

However, you should also consider that green tea contains caffeine, which means it is a stimulating infusion. It can also prevent the absorption of iron, so it is advisable not to drink it with meals.

3. Mint

Mint is a common infusion to relieve indigestion. In fact, many people eat it after meals, often combined with mint. Studies show that it can make the gastrointestinal tract relaxed.

You can find this plant that is also ingested in infusions, in essential oils and oral medicines. However, it is very irritating in its pure state, so it should always be used with caution, diluted properly and in the recommended dose.

In addition, it may not be helpful for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon to relieve indigestion

Cinnamon is another medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times as a remedy for many ailments. Among them, it helps reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, reduce blood sugar levels and stimulate the body naturally.

As for the digestive tract, cinnamon can help relieve the indigestion and discomfort that stomach ulcers cause. It also promotes liver function and prevents intestinal parasites or the very common helicobacter pylori .

At the medical and digestive level , we recommend choosing Ceylon cinnamon. You can use it as an infusion or extract or add it to your daily recipes. It is very common in all kinds of sweets and desserts and is also an excellent spice for stews, meats, sauces and the like.

Tips to relieve indigestion

In addition to taking these medicinal plants to relieve indigestion, you can also follow these tips if you suffer from indigestion often:

  • Chew your food thoroughly and try to eat in a relaxed and comfortable way.
  • Do not combine many different foods in one meal.
  • Do not eat dessert at lunch and eat only sweet foods for breakfast or snacks.
  • If your symptoms persist and become more intense, consult a doctor to rule out possible food intolerances.

Now you know some medicinal plants that can help with digestion and prevent some common ailments naturally. These last tips can also be very helpful, especially if you often suffer from heartburn, bloating, flatulence or abdominal pain.

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