Get Energy From These Medicinal Herbs

Ginseng provides a lot of energy. It also contains antioxidants which help fight the effects of the free radicals and nurture the immune system.
Get energy from these medicinal herbs

We all experience times that are very physically or mentally demanding, especially at work. You come home exhausted without any energy left in the body. What can you do? You will find the answer in this article, where we give you the best energizing medicinal herbs!

Medicinal herbs that give you energy

Maybe you are recovering from an illness, or have a family member who is having a hard time right now and needs more energy to get through the day. Stress at work, personal problems or late nights with exam reading where you just need to be able to focus are a few hours more: What can you do to increase your energy reserves?

First and foremost, it is important to eat well in order to have energy.  Second, one should take good care of oneself by getting proper which, drink well with fluids and give oneself time to relax during the day by going for a short walk or taking a hot bath to relieve tension . Last but not least,  you can add one of these amazing medicinal herbs to your diet to get a little extra energy boost. Are you ready to learn more?

1. Rosemary


You probably already know rosemary for the wonderful taste it gives the food. It is best known as a spice for meat or rice, but did you know that it is also an amazing medicinal plant? Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, helps improve breathing, aids digestion, and gives us more energy.

  • Rosemary reduces fatigue and improves blood circulation – especially to the brain. It can also be a good tonic if you are just recovering from an illness. It is revitalizing and energizing.
  • It promotes good concentration: If you want to improve your concentration, try drinking two cups of rosemary tea a day. Use 20 grams of fresh rosemary or 5 grams of dried herbs per liter of water. Boil the water, add the rosemary and let it steep. This will stay fresh in the refrigerator for two days if stored in a glass container.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

You already know how amazing the aloe plant is. It is known for its healing properties, is excellent for the skin and a good tonic for the body. But its other great strength is its nutritional qualities. Aloe contains amino acids that help rebuild the body after illness, and B vitamins and proteins. It is a natural treasure chest with amazing benefits.

  • To make an aloe tea, simply add a tablespoon of the jelly from the plant to a cup of water and let it soak. If you add a slice of lemon, it will taste even better. This is excellent to drink after lunch.

3. Guarana


You have probably heard of guarana, (also known as Paullinia cupana). Its seeds have an energizing effect very similar to coffee, so it is important to use them in moderate amounts – no more than one glass a day. Guarana contains theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, guarana, and tannic acids. It is refreshing, increases concentration and elevates mood. This is a good choice if you are very tired or going through a hard time. Ready-made Guarana drinks are available, as well as tablets: both are available in health food stores. You can also make a guarana tea, but remember not to overdo the consumption of this plant. Just drink a single cup a day. It will really make you feel more comfortable.

4. Tea with cinnamon and ginseng


This tea is effective and delicious. As you know, one of the most well-known properties of ginseng is its ability to combat fatigue and feelings of weakness. It improves concentration and blood flow to the brain. In addition, it acts as a really good natural antioxidant in the fight against the free radicals and slows down the cellular aging process and the development of diseases like cancer. Try this to take better care of your immune system. Do you realize that when ginseng is combined with cinnamon, it is even better for you, and has a better taste? Try these two ingredients together and you will quickly notice a change in your health.

5. Yerba Mate

Yerba mate

We have mentioned the benefits of yerba mate many times before. Yerba mate acts as a stimulant and enhances the senses more than even a cup of coffee. And do not forget that it is a natural source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese. Why would you miss all this though? It is worth trying and drinking once a day, to improve blood circulation, fight fatigue and improve your mood. It’s healthy! But yes, this powerful antioxidant should be ingested with a little sweetener. It is bitter, so a little bit of honey will help you better absorb its many beneficial properties. Enjoy!

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