How To Easily Grow Tomatoes At Home

Avoid using soil from the garden or around the house as it can contain pests and diseases that will harm your plants. The best soil for tomatoes is fresh soil.
How to easily grow tomatoes at home

Tomatoes are an essential part of our diet, as in addition to giving different dishes a good taste, they also have a high nutritional value that provides significant benefits to the body and general health.

Although they are easy to find in supermarkets and greengrocers, tomatoes can sometimes be expensive and of poor quality. Fortunately, like so many other foods, it is easy to grow tomatoes yourself at home, and you can plant enough to have an unlimited supply – as you know, will be of the highest quality.

When growing your own tomatoes, you can be sure that they are free of pesticides and other chemicals that are often used in commercial agriculture to keep them fresh for longer. It is also cheap and in the end you get 100% organic, fresh and delicious tomatoes at home.

In today’s article, we will share some simple tips for growing your own, organic tomatoes at home in pots that you may already have standing around the house. Pay attention to every detail to ensure you some successful crops.

To grow tomatoes at home, you need the right pots

The pot you use is one of the most important factor in the success of your tomato plants. The bigger they are, the greater the chance that you will get a good production.

Of course, there are benefits to planting in a garden, patio or patio where you have a lot more space. But even without this luxury, you can use large pots instead.

  • In general, we recommend using pots that are at least 59 inches deep, with a proportional width. This will give the roots enough space to grow.
  • Containers made of plastic are easy to move around.
  • Finally, place a bowl or deep dish under the pot to collect the water that is running out.

How a pot drains is another important factor worth remembering. There should be holes in the bottom to provide good drainage and prevent the soil from accumulating too much moisture.

To prevent the soil from falling out of the holes, you can place a small net in the bottom of the pot.

potting soil

It is a good idea to avoid using soil from your farm or garden as it may contain pests or diseases that will harm your plants.

A better solution is to mix 60% coconut fiber with 40% worm compost.

tomato plants

Once you have purchased tomato seeds or nursery sprouts from the nursery, you can plant them in your prepared containers.

  • First, fill one-third of the pot with the pot mixture, as described above.
  • Place your plant sprouts in the mixture, add soil until it reaches the beginning of the plant.
  • Carefully squeeze the soil around the plant so that it is stable.

The first time you water your plants, it should be thorough so that the soil is very moist. Avoid wetting the foliage, stem and base of the plants.

Then add just a little water to the pot mixture depending on how much moisture is left. It is not always necessary to water them every day.

Check the potting soil carefully and make sure it is slightly moist at all times. Avoid overwatering your plants as too much moisture can create problems.

To ensure that your plants grow quickly, it is important that you give them support as they grow. A plant stick will help them stand up straight.

After two months, start using fertilizer to ensure a big and good harvest.

You can buy organic fertilizer at any nursery and the label will tell you how to use it.

Tomatoes ripen slowly and this is where you should start picking them. Still, some tomatoes will not ripen completely on the plants, in which case it is best to cut and place them in a cool place until they are ripe.

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