Marigold And What It Can Do For Your Health

Whether you use it externally or drink it as a tea, marigold is a very useful plant, against many defects and problems.
Marigold and what it can do for your health

Whether you use it externally or drink it as a tea, marigold is a very useful plant, against many defects and problems.

Marigold is one of the most well-known medicinal plants when it comes to skin care. As it is both cheap and easy to find, it is one of the most popular means. It is good for healing, repairing and moisturizing your skin.

The plant is about 50 cm tall. You can probably find it near your home if you live in a rural area. It is also called the garden marigold, and the Latin name is  Calendula officinalis.

You can easily recognize it by the beautiful, bright orange color, which spreads in the fields when spring begins and stays there until the first frost. If you want to use it in the winter, it can be obtained fresh and then dried.

All you have to do is lay it on a flat surface in the sun. Afterwards, you can store it in a glass jar or a tightly closed plastic bag.

In this article, we look at some of the uses for this wonderful plant.

Relieves light sunburn

Mild sunburn can be quite painful and annoying. They occur when you stay too long in the sun, without using sunscreen. If this happens to you, you can  apply a little bit of marigold at room temperature, or use a little fresh marigold.

If you have a fresh plant on hand, you just need to cut the plant out with a knife. You must then mix this with the juice it naturally gives off, and form a puree. You must apply this to your skin.

If you would rather have tea, follow this recipe:


  • 1 shot fresh marigold, or 1 tablespoon dried marigold (10 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Course of action

  • Boil the water and add the marigold.
  • Let it simmer at medium temperature until it boils again, take it off the heat and let it cool down.

When  it has room temperature, apply it on the burned area  with a clean cotton cloth.

Reduces inflammation

Marigold can relieve inflammation

Do you have dermatitis? Do you often get painful rashes? If so, you can use marigold water as part of your daily skin cleansing.

Just make the tea described above. After washing your face, dab the tea on the skin with a cotton ball.

Let it work for a few minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Afterwards, you can apply a refreshing cream or lotion.

Also read: Special homemade soap for sensitive skin and dermatitis

Marigold cares for babies’ skin

Babies have very sensitive skin. Since they are not ready for harsh chemicals,  natural remedies can be a good choice if there are problems.

The most common problems that marigold can help with are rashes from diapers and sweat.

As the skin is sore, you should avoid anything that may aggravate the situation. In these cases, you can  use morning glory to clean the affected area.

It is a good idea to leave the area bare after cleaning.

You can also make your own cream:


  • 1 cup neutral cream (200 g)
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil from marigold

Course of action

  • Mix the two ingredients together and store the cream in a jar or glass jar.

You can apply the cream when your baby has skin problems, or  use it regularly to prevent rashes. Neutral cream can be bought at herbalists and pharmacies.

Prevents and smoothes skin infections

Use marigold for skin infections

There are many kinds of problems you can get with your skin. In addition to burns, you can get sores and abrasions. If you are not careful, they can become inflamed and become serious.

To prevent infections and cleanse current infections, you can  apply morning glory or puree. It does not matter what you use. The important thing is that the morning mistress is completely clean, without dust or dirt.

Once applied, wait a day or two for the small infections and redness to disappear.

If the infection has already penetrated deep into the skin, or smells ugly, go to the doctor as soon as possible. In such cases, you will probably need another treatment.

Marigold against insect bites

use marigold for insect bites

If you move out into nature in the summer, you can use insect spray. But if you already have a mosquito bite, or another insect bite,  try to avoid scratching it.

It will only make it worse as it spreads the insect’s venom. It can turn one swelling into several. The best thing you can do is  regularly put a wrap of marigold around it.

It will  reduce the inflammation and relieve the itching. After a day or two, the problem will be gone and you will not have any marks on the skin either.

See this article: Why do mosquitoes sting me and not others?

Get rid of mucus

Do you have problems with mucous cough, and tired of not being able to sleep? Do not despair, just make yourself a cup of morning glory. Use it as a mouthwash or gargle it.

It will help trigger the mucus and you will get better faster.

Marigold is much more than just a beautiful plant. It does not require much effort to use it and it is cheap. So what are you waiting for? Add marigold to your first aid kit!

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