Natural Treatments For Ear Canal Inflammation
Otitis media is an infection that occurs when fluid accumulates in the inner ear , and is accompanied by inflammation.
Depending on how severe it is and the area where it develops, it could be external, in the middle, middle with fluid leakage, or an acute or chronic infection.
In today’s article, we refer specifically to the external and middle types of infection, which are easiest to treat using natural medicine. In the more severe cases, we mentioned that medical attention is usually needed.
This type of ear infection is more prevalent among children and teens than adults. It is also more likely to appear during the allergy season, or when you have a cold or flu.
However, these are not the only things that can affect the development of swimmer’s ear, and there are other risk factors that are worth remembering.
What causes swimming ear
Swimming in dirty or contaminated water is one of the more common causes of the external type of ear infection. Bacteria found in such places can easily reach the ear and cause disease. In very rare cases, it can also be caused by a fungus.
Bacteria that accompany common respiratory diseases can also be transported to the ear canal and cause infection and inflammation.
Some allergies cause your eustachian tube, the ducts that connect your middle ear and throat to become inflamed.
Other possible triggers include:
- To scratch the outside or inside of the ear
- The introduction of a foreign body into the ear
- To clean or scrub the ear canal to remove wax
How do you know if you have an ear infection?
Symptoms of an ear infection can vary from person to person depending on how severe it is. The most important are:
- Itching in the ear
- A feeling of heaviness
- Pressure on the eardrum
- Ear pain and inflammation
- Yellow or greenish discharge from the ears, sometimes accompanied by a foul odor
- Partial hearing loss
- Fever
- Sounding sound in the ears
- Vomiting
- Blood
Natural remedies for ear canal inflammation
Medical treatments for ear infections include antibiotics to kill any microorganisms that caused the condition, and usually also antihistamines to help you fight any allergies.
However, when the infection is only in the early stages and is not too bad, some natural treatments can help you as a substitute for traditional medicine. Are you interested in finding out what they are?
Hydrogen peroxide
When a virus reaches your middle ear, it begins to replicate itself, causing other ailments such as colds and flu.
To ward off these microorganisms and prevent a potential chronic disease, just use a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.
How should you apply it?
- Every 12 to 14 hours, put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in each infected ear.
Garlic oil
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can be used to fight a variety of viruses that cause various types of infections.
Thanks to its antibacterial properties , it is great for stopping the earache, which is associated with floating ear.
How should you apply it?
- Add three drops of pure garlic oil to each infected ear and hold your head horizontally so that it reaches the inner ear.
Like garlic, this vegetable is a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic that helps fight the bacteria that lead to ear infections.
How should you apply it?
- Chop a fresh onion, wrap it in a clean napkin, and place it over the affected ear for five minutes. Repeat this treatment several times a day.
Olive oil
The healing properties of the olive oil have been widely used to combat ear infections.
How should you apply it?
- Heat two tablespoons of olive oil until it reaches a comfortable temperature and pour it into a pipette. Apply two to three drops in each infected ear.
Hot water
The heat has an analgesic effect that also helps improve circulation as well as mediate the removal of your ear canal inflammation.
How should you apply it?
Just fill a warm water bag with water and cover it with a towel. Then place it over the sore ear.