Reasons Why You Should Know Your Blood Type

Your blood type is relevant information, both for medical emergencies and for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Are you interested in knowing more about this topic? So read on!
Reasons why you need to know your blood type

In 1901, an Austrian physician named Karl Landsteiner classified the most important blood types. He mixed blood from different people and found compatibility between some of them and incompatibility between others. He created the AB0 blood type system to identify a person’s blood type.

Today, it is important for people to know their blood type, especially in emergencies and accidents. In the same way, it is also important to know this information for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases.

What are blood types?

Proteins found on the surface of cells, called antigens, determine blood types. They can produce an immune system response to any blood type that is not compatible through antibodies.

Experts found that there were two antigens (A and B) in the cell wall, in addition to containing antibodies in the plasma (Anti-A and Anti-B). Plasma is the liquid component of blood that does not contain blood cells. Four main types were established, including:

  • ONE
  • B
  • AB

In addition, another protein on the surface of the cells must be taken into account, as it is also part of the blood type: the Rh factor. They are as follows:

  • Rh-positive. When a person has the protein in their cells.
  • Rh-negative. When a person does not have the protein in their cells.
Blood tests

What is the importance of knowing your blood type?

People usually discover their blood type after an accident or the need for a blood transfusion, etc. But beyond this, it is a good idea to learn more about it to prevent, control and treat countless diseases that are affected by the body’s proteins.

Disease prevention, treatment and control

  • Blood donations.
  • Receiving blood transfusions in emergencies.
  • Organ transplants.
  • Prevention or control of heart disease. People with the AB blood type have a higher risk of suffering from them. Conversely, people with blood type O have the lowest risk.
  • Avoidance of hypercholesterolemia. People with blood type A have higher cholesterol levels.
  • Demonstration of a genetic predisposition for deep vein thrombosis. Blood types A, B and AB are associated with a higher risk.
  • Monitoring the likelihood of developing certain types of cancer. For example, blood type A and its relationship to stomach cancer.
  • Adequate nutrition. Experts believe that people with type O blood should increase their protein intake.
  • Knowledge of the predisposition to fat accumulation (also related to the risk of cardiovascular disease). People with blood type A digest carbohydrates better and accumulate less belly fat, unlike people in group O.
  • Knowing the causes of stress. People with blood type A produce more cortisol (the stress hormone), while people with blood type O have higher adrenaline levels.
  • It is advisable to know the recommended type of exercise. Experts say, for example, that people with blood type A should do relaxing exercises because of their stress level.
  • Control and treatment of reproductive problems. Women with blood type O have higher infertility.
  • In addition, there is an Rh incompatibility when an Rh-negative woman becomes pregnant with a baby with Rh-positive blood. Especially from the second pregnancy, this can cause the woman to harm the fetus by developing antibodies that destroy the fetal cells and which can be fatal to the baby.
A woman gets a blood sample taken

An important fact about your blood type

As we have explained in this article, blood types provide important information that can help keep you healthy. In fact, this important information is the key to periods like pregnancy.

For this reason, doctors usually check a person’s blood type before prescribing any kind of treatment. In addition, it is relevant information in emergencies that require blood transfusions.

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