Sure Regurgitation At Night: How To Avoid It

Acid regurgitation in the evening can make it difficult to fall asleep. Fortunately, you can control it with some lifestyle changes. Get the best tips in this article.
Acid reflux at night: How to avoid it

Thousands of people are constantly looking for ways to avoid acid reflux at night. While this condition can occur at any time of the day, acid regurgitation is more common in the evening and it can actually be one of the causes of sleep problems.

Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is caused by a weakening of the esophagus. It is the part of the body that allows stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus and mouth. The affected person therefore feels an unpleasant, burning sensation or irritation, which is often followed by chest pain, heartburn and difficulty swallowing. 

In most cases, it is mild and does not lead to serious complications. But it is recommended to do everything you can to prevent the condition as it can affect both your sleep and your quality of life.

We give you some good advice on how to prevent it.

Why do you get acid reflux at night?

There are several factors associated with the increase in acid regurgitation at night.

First, it is associated with a large and heavy dinner – especially those that are eaten just before bedtime. As this prevents digestion and as the body is in a lying position at night, the tension state of the esophagus is reduced and then the acid rises back up into the esophagus and into the mouth.

The same thing happens when you drink very hot drinks before bedtime or when you are in a bad position.

This problem also affects smokers, people who suffer from stress, and those who wear tight nightwear. Therefore, one should start by improving one’s lifestyle by changing his bad habits that can cause it or aggravate it.

Woman experiences acid regurgitation at night

How to prevent acid reflux at night

There are several measures that can help prevent acid reflux at night; especially when it is a recurring or a serious problem. While it is important to consult your doctor to determine if there is an underlying cause for the symptoms, these tips are also helpful.

Avoid eating before bedtime

Even though you should not go to bed on an empty stomach, you should still not eat just before bedtime.

The ideal habit would be to eat a light dinner two to three hours before bedtime. Thereby, the acid secretions of your stomach will be under control before you go to bed.

Limit your intake of irritating foods

Foods that increase acid levels can worsen the symptoms of acid reflux at night. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you limit your intake of tomatoes, caffeine, cold cuts, deep-fried foods, strong meals and alcoholic beverages, especially in the evenings.

Lift your head up from the bed

One of the best things you can do to prevent acid reflux is to sleep with your upper body slightly raised. Therefore, it is recommended that you lift your head up from the bed.

When you place your body in a horizontal position, your stomach and neck will be at the same height, which keeps the stomach acid in place. 

Sleep on your left side to avoid acid regurgitation at night

Woman lying and sleeping in her bed

When you sleep on your left side, you can reduce the episodes of acid regurgitation.

For anatomical reasons, the esophagus is more prone to stomach acid, which causes acid regurgitation when you sleep on your right side. 

Lose weight

Obese people need to lose weight to control acid regurgitation.

Due to the accumulation of fat around the stomach, the pressure in the stomach increases and the stomach acid rises up to the esophagus.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

You should not smoke or drink if you have acid regurgitation as these habits can aggravate the symptoms.

Wear comfortable clothing to prevent acid reflux at night

It is best to wear loose-fitting clothing when you go to sleep. 

If your nightwear is too tight, it can increase the pressure on the stomach, allowing the stomach acid to rise up to the esophagus.

Manage stress

Proper stress management not only reduces the risk of acid reflux, but also promotes good sleep quality. For this reason, sleep techniques such as meditation, yoga and reading are recommended.

Go to the doctor

If your symptoms persist or worsen, despite following these tips, it is best to consult a doctor. He or she will be able to determine the cause and determine the best treatment.

Medicine for acid reflux

In addition to following the recommendations we have mentioned in this article, one can also get over-the-counter medications that can be used to relieve acid reflux.

These types of over-the-counter medications will prevent stomach acid from rising up into the esophagus, thus combating the burning sensation while quickly neutralizing excess acid in the stomach.

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