Take Care Of Your Brain With Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is super healthy for you and your brain. It helps fight chronic inflammation and prevent atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
Take care of your brain with beetroot juice

Beetroot has an intense fresh, earthy taste that many people love. They can be prepared in many different ways. Beetroot juice is especially delicious!

According to several studies, you only need to drink a glass of beetroot juice a day to increase blood flow to your brain.

Something so easy can help you reduce dementia or other degenerative diseases by an interesting percentage.

In this article we give you all the information.

Beetroot juice keeps your brain healthy and strong

Two glasses of beetroot juice

Beetroot originally comes from the coasts of Africa. Later, with the birth of world trade, it did not take long for it to reach Asia and Europe.

Believe it or not, the reason for its rapid spread is not only due to the tuber itself: the leaves were too, and still are much appreciated. They were so in demand that in ancient Rome they were common in many dishes.

A funny fact is that Napoleon later made it popular to use beets or sugar beets as a source of sugar. This was after England restricted French access to sugar cane.

In fact, beets or beets are still an indispensable material for sugar production today. This is very useful to know in case you are diabetic.

Does this mean that beetroot can be more dangerous than beneficial because of its sugar?

Not at all. In fact, there is some important information to keep in mind. Your brain needs glucose for energy just like all the other very special nutrients found in beets.

We will explain in more detail below.

Also read: Six preventative tips for cerebral hemorrhage


Beetroot has high concentrations of nitrates.

These nitrites have a very special power: they open your blood vessels to stimulate blood flow. This also increases your oxygenation.

This interesting remedy is also found – to a lesser extent – in garlic, kale and other leafy vegetables such as spinach.

Thanks to the nitrates in beets, you have a great help at your disposal. This can help you reduce the likelihood of stroke.

Many people eat beets in their normal diet. Others do not like their strange, intense taste.

When you keep all its benefits in mind, it is worth getting used to the taste. Plus, you can look for a combination that is more comfortable so you can enjoy their benefits.

Beetroot fights chronic inflammation

In addition to nitrates, beets are rich in several other bioactive compounds. These will help you fight or reduce the symptoms of chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is the leading cause of many heart diseases as well as strokes.

The more inflammation you have, the harder it is for the blood to flow. This reduces your oxygenation level and thus causes toxins to accumulate.

There are also few problems that are as dangerous to your health as neuro-inflammation.

It is a good habit to eat beets two or three times a week. If you can get used to this, you reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. At the same time, you nurture your cognitive processes as much as possible.

Also read: 9 tips to naturally reduce inflammation in the stomach

How to make beetroot juice

Beetroot juice with straws in


  • 3 fresh beets
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/4 head red cabbage
  • 7 mandarins
  • 500 ml of water


  • First, wash the beets and carrots well.
  • Then cut them into small pieces to make them easier to blend. also cut out the cabbage.
  • Add the well-chopped beets, carrots and cabbage to your juicer or blender.
  • Blend it until you get a smooth juice and set it aside.
  • Then blend the 7 tangerines
  • Add the mandarin juice to the two cups of water and carrot, beetroot and cabbage juice. It’s delicious!

Remember to drink it throughout the day. Drink it first for breakfast, and then for your main meal.

If you want, during the week you can simply just blend a medium-sized beetroot with a glass of water. This way you get the benefits of its features quickly and easily.

Your brain will love it!

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