This Is What You Should Eat After A Heart Attack

A healthy diet, regular physical activity and quitting smoking can help you prevent heart problems. In this article, you can read about foods you should include in your diet if you have suffered from a heart attack or want to prevent it.
This you should eat after a heart attack

Experts talk a lot about the kind of diet people should consume to stay healthy. But what diet should one eat after a heart attack or if one wants to prevent heart problems?

Stress, poor diet and lack of rest directly affect the condition of the heart. After a heart attack, therefore, one should get new, healthier lifestyle habits such as quitting smoking, exercising and changing one’s diet. After a heart attack, the patient must follow the doctor’s orders to recover and stay healthy.

In this article, we will give some tips on foods one should eat after a heart attack.

Heart attacks and healthy habits

According to the World Health Organization, more than 17 million people died of cardiovascular disease in 2012. They also say that  80% of heart attacks and strokes can be prevented.

A healthy diet, regular physical activity and stopping toxic habits can help avoid episodes that endanger one’s life. You should include the following foods in your diet if you have suffered a heart attack or want to prevent one.

Diet after a heart attack

Food in heart-shaped bowl shows what to eat after a heart attack

Patients who have suffered a heart attack  should have low cholesterol and glucose levels, as well as keep their blood pressure under control. They can achieve this with medication, exercise and a healthy diet.

The healthiest diet for these patients is the Mediterranean diet. This is because it is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fish, plus some servings of grilled low-fat meat. If you have suffered from a heart attack, you should  cook everything with extra virgin olive oil and not too much salt  (you can replace this with aromatic spices and herbs).

You should only consume low-fat dairy products and  eat legumes twice a week.

This you should eat after a heart attack

Fruits and vegetables

According to the  Spanish Heart Foundation,  a diet rich in fruits and vegetables increases levels of potassium and magnesium,  protecting the heart from heart rhythm disorders. This diet also helps lower the levels of sodium, which is related to blood pressure.

Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil is an example of food that one should eat after a heart attack

Olive oil has remarkable health benefits. By eating four tablespoons of olive oil a day, along with a healthy and balanced Mediterranean diet, one can reduce the risk of suffering from heart attacks and strokes.

Nuts are some of the things you should eat after a heart attack

Nuts are a unique source of healthy nutrients and are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. In particular,  walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is associated with heart health.

They also contain L-arginine (an amino acid that helps produce nitric oxide, which over time helps regulate blood pressure) and phytosterols (herbal substances that help lower cholesterol by blocking its uptake into the intestines).


All types of tea contain catechin, which is a substance that helps  maintain a healthy blood pressure  by inhibiting the conversion of cholesterol and preventing blood clots. They also contain quercetin, which improves the function of the blood vessels.

Fat fish

Fat fish

Saturated fatty acids are something you should not eat after a heart attack. However, you must never forget unsaturated fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and trout, contain these fats.

Whole grains and legumes

Bran, which is the shell that protects grains,  helps delay the absorption of sugar and lower cholesterol levels,  according to the  Spanish Heart Foundation.

On the other hand, legumes are a unique source of vegetable proteins, fiber and minerals.

Foods You Should Not Eat After A Heart Attack

Cakes should not be eaten after a heart attack

Cakes on table

A diet consisting of foods that are good for the heart is exactly what you need to eat after a heart attack. You should thus  avoid foods that contain saturated fatty acids, trans fats and cholesterol,  such as whole milk, butter, fatty types of meat and sugar.

You should also  avoid sausages and cold cuts  because they contain harmful fats and a lot of sodium, cakes (rich in trans fats) and processed foods.

Lastly, keep in mind that it is very important to incorporate moderate exercise into your routine. Talk to your doctor about the best type of exercise for you. Following a heart attack, physical activity is a good way to improve the condition of the heart.

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