Tips To Improve Your Memory

The mind is very special and it likes challenges. For all of us, it’s about giving the mind the ingredients it needs to become more efficient and stop forgetting things.
Tips to improve your memory

Technology helps us a lot, but it has also made our brains lazier. We no longer try to remember anything: we just look it up on the internet. If we then also add all the excess information from all media and our agendas with commitments, it is easy to understand why we forget things. In this article, we give you tips to improve your memory.

In the following article, we will tell you how to improve your memory through exercises and new healthy habits.

The process of improving your memory

Just as the brain “forgets” many things, it can also restore itself in a short time. This means that you can gain greater mental capacity by starting with certain techniques or tricks that improve your memory.

In reality, we all have the ability to remember things, but the problem is that our minds have become accustomed to working with less effort.

Do not pay attention, only read superficially, think of something else, do not reflect… these are all enemies of good memory.

We must also add that when we want to remember something and we do not manage it, we become stressed. For that reason, it is difficult for us to find the word, fact, or date that we have stored in the deepest part of our memory.

On the other hand, we must recognize that we often do not allow our brains to think, reason, or remember on their own. We do not allow it to rest properly, nor do we allow sufficient time to obtain important information.

How to improve your memory

Luminous posters, TV ads, social networks, internet searches… all of these attack the powers of the brain. Therefore, if you want a large memory, you need to put the following techniques into practice:

1. Reconstruct facts

Man sitting with laptop

It has probably happened more than once that you have forgotten where you left the keys. You’ve probably spent hours turning things upside down with no results.

A good way not to forget where you left them is, of course, to choose a place where you always put them, but if not, you can use the “fact-reconstruction” technique.

That means you need to spend a few minutes remembering what you’ve been doing since you got home . (what you had in your hands, where you left other objects, what you did the last time you saw the keys, etc.). Suddenly you will see the place where you left them.

2. Use mnemonic devices

Maybe when you went to school, the teachers taught you how to remember formulas, facts or dates using so-called mnemonic devices. These allow us to relate information to short sentences or punctuation. In this way, a lot of information is compressed and can be read more easily.

In fact , they serve to preserve this information without having to repeat it all like a parrot. Best of all, these concepts will not be easily forgotten even though years have passed.

One of the best known examples is “My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets”. The first letter of each word evokes one of the planets of the solar system and its order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Of course , you can use mnemonic rules as you like, with words or personal phrases. This may include the initials of family members’ names, anniversaries, a character you liked in childhood, and so on.

3. Read aloud

Often, when you explain something to another person, the concepts are better resolved. In addition to improving your understanding by putting words you have studied into words, it helps the brain listen to the information and helps you preserve it.

Therefore, it is important to read aloud when studying or when you want something to be engraved in your mind.

Not only that, it is also good to read printed books or papers “as in the old days.” Screens inhibit comprehension and the light they emit causes headaches.

4. Rest and relax

This technique of gaining a large memory is based on the fact that the mind has to consolidate concepts when it is not aware of anything else.

If after a morning reading, going to the cinema, watching the news or surfing Facebook, you will probably not remember the information you just learned.

Therefore, we recommend that you take a good nap after a “bombardment of information” (if you want to avoid forgetting it of course). You can also take a walk in the park, exercise, take a hot shower or listen to classical music. This way, your mind will not be distracted.

5. Change your routine

Women dancing

The brain needs new habits and adventures. Monotony makes it even more lazy and restless. If you want to remember something and have a great memory, you need to change some of your daily activities or at least do them in a different order.

New changes increase your mental capacity. Since the mind must be aware of something that it did not know or is not used to.

Do not forget that the mind is very curious and it likes challenges. For all of us, it’s about giving the mind the ingredients it needs to become more efficient and stop forgetting things.

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