Vinegar Against Mealworms And Aphids On Plants

Today we will share some simple methods to get rid of aphids on plants using cheap and natural ingredients that you have at hand.
Vinegar against mealworms and aphids on plants

If you have an aphid infestation on plants and you do not know what to do about it, you can try these vinegar tricks to get them eradicated permanently.

Today we will share some simple methods to get rid of aphids on plants using cheap and natural ingredients that you have at hand.

Plants give new life to a room and fit well everywhere. After all, there is nothing more refreshing than living plants indoors. That’s why it’s so important that they look perfect.

There are many benefits of plants in the home, especially for your health

Unfortunately, plants are sometimes attacked by small insects, which cause them to fade and wither.

If aphids inside are a problem for you, do not despair; today we will give you advice on how to get rid of them completely without the use of chemicals that can cause allergies and other nuisances, especially if you have children or pets in the house.

Fight lice and aphids on plants

Aphids and mealybugs are small indoor plant insects that are only approx. three mm long. They attack the leaves of the plants and eat the juice inside them. The first sign of these insects are yellow leaves, which become dry and eventually die and fall off.

These insects can be extremely harmful because they reproduce at an explosive rate. They produce at least four generations a year. A generation is an insect’s full life cycle, from egg to death.

They are a summer plague because they thrive best in a hot and humid environment. Therefore, the risk is greater inside the home and in greenhouses, where the climate is ideal for reproduction, and where up to 11 generations can be produced per hectare. year.

Three ways to use vinegar against aphids on plants

Apple cider vinegar against aphids on plants

Vinegar is simply a dilute form of acetic acid that is obtained through a fermentation process of a product that contains sugar or starch. It has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, which are often used in medical and pharmaceutical contexts.

The benefits of using vinegar

  • That’s cheap
  • The products we show today are both easy and quick to make
  • Vinegar fights all aphids
  • It does not stain
  • It is not harmful to children and animals
  • Due to the antibacterial properties, vinegar eliminates the bacteria that could harm the plant or the surrounding environment

1. Insect trap for aphids on plants

Aphids love fermented foods, so vinegar is an ideal way to catch them. Acetic acid also makes them dull, so you can catch them more easily. If you pour vinegar into a bottle, the insects will be drawn by it and will not be able to escape.

You need it

  • A glass with a lid
  • A knife
  • Vinegar (250 ml)

Here’s how you do it

  • Pour the vinegar into the glass
  • Make holes in the lid with the knife
  • Put the lid on the glass
  • Then place the glass in a place where you notice that the insects are and let it appear to your eyes.

2. Adhesive traps with vinegar

When you mix vinegar with some sticky food, such as. peanut butter, and putting it in a glass or container with holes in the lid, the insects will fly down into the glass, stick to the food and thus not be able to escape.

You need it

  • A container with holes in the lid
  • A small plate
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar

Here’s how you do it

  • Put vinegar and peanut butter on the plate
  • Mix well
  • Put the plate down in the container and close the lid

3. Vinegar and soap to control aphids on plants

This trap is really good because the insects will be attracted to the mixture and leave your plants alone. The soap will, in the same way, keep them trapped so that they cannot escape.

An adhesive trap against aphids on plants

It is a very practical trap in that you can make some pieces and place them in different rooms.

You need it

  • 250 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 125 ml soap
  • A container

Here’s how you do it

  • Mix soap and vinegar in a cup
  • Mix well
  • Place the mixture in a container next to the plants that are exposed

Use these simple tricks to fight aphids and keep your plants healthy. Try them and enjoy your indoor plants.

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